When you’re marketing the complex and controversial you need to pitch them sensitively, without alienating your audience. I can develop the right messages and find the right communications channels to bring contentious issues into the mainstream – like I did for the UK Clinical Research Collaboration. UKCRC is a coalition of key decision makers in… Read More
Corporate narrative development – getting your story right

I can help you dig deeper into your organisation’s offer and create a narrative that is right for you and your audiences – like I did at the Royal Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce (RSA). The Royal Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce (RSA) was founded in the… Read More
Marketing strategy
When your business is operating in a crowded and competitive market place I’ll give you the strategy to succeed, like I did for Microload Ltd. Microload Ltd was a small IT support provider, ideally placed right in the centre of London. It prided itself on supplying bespoke support, with a human face, to small, medium… Read More
Communications strategy development

Personal Finance Education Group (pfeg) pfeg was a successful but tiny charity before funding from the Financial Services Authority enabled it to grow to a staff of 60 – in 5 regional offices throughout England. It had no designated communications staff and had been doing its best to market its services with reactive media relations,… Read More