Lost in another world

Yes, I know. After all my preaching about being ‘too busy’ to do the things that matter I’ve been too busy to blog.

I’ve neglected you. Sorry.

I’ve got a good excuse, though. I’ve been shut in the Secret Store Room of the Queen of Found Objects, an artistic collaboration I’ve been working on in Oxford, with artist Julie Brooker.

It’s all part of the brilliant ‘Other Worlds’ project, writers and artists collaborating to create inspiring installations in Oxford’s Story Museum during the month of May. Take a look http://www.storymuseum.org.uk/the-story-museum/otherworlds

Artist Anita Klein has painted an incredible mural, Alix Harwood, sculptor and prop maker for the Harry Potter films has created a word storm – and that’s just for starters.

The Story Museum is in Rochester House, 42 Pembroke Street, Oxford, OX1 1BP and entry is just £3.

Opening hours for Other Worlds are Thursday 1pm – 7pm, Friday 1pm – 7pm, Saturday 1pm – 5pm and Sunday 10am – 4pm.

I will be on site on Tuesday 1 May – for a special May Day opening, and on Saturday 5 May.

If you live nearby, or even if you don’t, come along – especially if you’re looking for that little spark to get your writing going, or want to meet some writers who could really boost your business copy.

Please send the link to this blog to everyone you know.

After all, everyone deserves to be inspired.


About Philippa

Philippa Cowley-Thwaites is a no-nonsense South Londoner with a passion for communications. Since graduating in English from London University in 1983 she has established herself as an expert communicator for a variety of brands in the private, public and voluntary sector with great success – she’s one of the best business writers in the business.

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