Whether we like it or not, communicating is more about justifying our position than anything else, these days.
In business, in our personal lives – almost wherever we find ourselves.
A friend of mine had a fairly major operation recently – her condition wasn’t life-threatening, but not having the operation would have seriously affected her quality of life. After months of faffing about with consultation appointments she lost her temper and put across her point, succinctly and clearly – spelling out the implications for her consultant if he decided not to operate.
Hey presto. She got a surgery appointment within the month.
Not all of us are lucky enough to be articulate under pressure – and let’s face it we’re all under pressure during this economic crisis.
Why should cash-constrained clients use our services or buy our products?
Well, they won’t know unless we tell them.
People are cutting back on positioning themselves and their businesses at the time they probably need to do it most.
So next time you’re thinking about budgets and your business plan for the coming year think about telling your clients why they should work with you.
Will you really be saving money if you don’t?
I’ll leave it with you………………….